Wednesday 4 May 2011

Give Thanks.

Dear Friends and Family,

Greetings from Nicaragua! =)

I cannot believe that it is May already! Time seems to literally be flying by here. My four month mark of living in Nicaragua is approaching very rapidly and I just can't believe it. I hope and pray that everything is going amazing for everyone in the States, that God is teaching you more and more as you serve and live for Him, and that you are drawing closer to Him. I think you all need to start blogs also, so I can keep updated on your lives too! Just a thought:)

Here in Nicaragua it has been hot! And when I say hot, I mean at least in the 100's everyday. The rainy season is fast approaching, and for that I am grateful! Here at the mission base, we just ended our spring season of teams. We had a lot of short term teams here in March and April, and I had the opportunity to work with almost all of them. I met some really awesome people and thoroughly enjoyed having the teams here to do ministry with. While they were here, we did many of the same activities I'm involved in on a normal basis, like going to the train station, the dump, Home of the Ancient's, the girl's orphanage, The Jicaro Project, etc. The teams all had wonderful times while they were here, and I was really glad I could help prepare for their time here and go around and do ministry with them.

I mentioned this briefly in my last blog, but something else I have been heavily involved the past couple months is planning the 3rd annual Vida Joven 5k Fun Fun. I have been attending meetings each week, doing lots of planning and preparations, and going around to local businesses to try and get them to financially support the event and Vida Joven in Granada. The race is this Saturday, May 7th, and if you want to make a donation, you can do so here à You can read more about what Vida Joven, known as Young Life in the States, does on the website, but here is some of the major information. "Vida Joven, a Young Life International youth club, is dedicated to raising up teens from some of the poorest barrios in Granada. Over 100 youth participate in events throughout the week, finding alternatives to gangs and drugs. To reach teens more personally, Vida Joven youth not only go to Club each week but also attend 10 camps throughout the year, inviting newcomers to find out more about a personal relationship with Christ."

Something else that I have just started doing is a weekly ministry down at the train station, one of the poorest neighborhoods in Granada. I tend to go down there a lot to do ministry, but now I have an official day to do ministry down there, and I will in charge of planning specific things to do with the kids while there. I will be going to the train station every Wednesday after Bible Study and teaching a Bible story and doing some other activities and games. I'm really excited for this to start happening and for the kids to learn more about Jesus and the Bible, to feel loved, and to know that they are important.

We had children's church last Sunday and I worked with the 3-7 years olds. It was so fun! We taught them about Genesis, Adam and Eve's relationship with God, and how the Garden was perfect. We really tried to emphasize how everything was perfect with God, until the first sin, which caused our separation from God. We had a big white piece of paper and all the kids got to draw what they thought the perfect garden was like. We read and explained the story and it was really neat to see their drawings and hear their questions. Afterwards, we played eye spy and duck, duck, goose. I'm pretty sure I got picked at least every other time, so, needless to say, I ran around the circle at least 50 times haha, but it was really fun! I'm really loving and am so thankful for the opportunity to help with children's church and teach the kids more about the Bible.

If you want to hear about what Semana Santa, "Holy Week", was like here, send me an e-mail and I'll be happy to share!

Thank you to everyone who has sent me letters, e-mails, and encouragement. I so cherish your words and am so grateful you took the time to write.

That's about it for what's new around here. If you have any questions about anything specifically, want to hear more stories, or just anything at all, please feel free to email me at I look forward to hearing from you! You all are in my prayers!!

If you want to read what God has been teaching me…read on:)

"I run in the path of Your commands, for You have set my heart free." –Psalm 119:32

"My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him." –Psalm 62:1

"You gave me life and showed me kindness, and in Your providence watched over my spirit. –Job 10:12

"Rejoice in the Lord
always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" -Philippians 4:4

These scriptures may all seem jumbled together and not make sense, but God has been using these to teach me more about Himself.

God is teaching me so much lately and one of the big things is joy. Joy. Joy in everything.

"Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy." –James 1:2

He is teaching me to have joy and to appreciate every one of His gifts, whether it seems like a gift at the time or not.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." –Romans 8:28

He promises us that He will work EVERYTHING, not some things, but every little
thing, for our good. So who I am to say if something that has happened is good or bad?

And also, not just to have joy, but to give thanks.

To give thanks for everything. The things that I take for granted. The "bad" things.

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. -1 Thessalonians 5:18

Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. –Ephesians 5:19-20

The things I can tend to take for granted.

-My relationships with the people in Nicaragua.

-The hugs I receive from all the children.

-The wonderful sound of laughter.

-The gift of friendship.

-God's creation surrounding me. The bright, bright stars at night, the trees, the flowers, the lake.

-What God teaches me everyday.

-I could go on forever…

And to give thanks for the things that I wouldn't normally count as a blessing.

But again, who am I to say what is blessing and what is not?

There are blessings ALL around me and He is teaching me to be grateful for e v e r y s i n g l e o n e.

-The rooster that crows basically 24/7 next door. I am grateful for God's creation and that I am not alone here on this earth. I am grateful that because of roosters, I have a free alarm clock =)

-The heat and the humidity, and the warm sunshine on my face. I am thankful that the sun and rain make things grow. I am grateful that the heat makes a cold shower all the more refreshing.

-The beautiful sound of running water. I am grateful for the days that I have running water and the days that I do not. I like bucket showers J

-The bubbles that soap makes. I am blessed to be able to wash my hands and my dishes and eat from clean plates.

-The fact that I was sick a few weeks ago. I was able to spend more time in my prayer and reading scripture.

-The way the people clap off beat at church and show me that praising Jesus does not have follow certain standards.

-And I could go on and on…

These may sound silly, but really, these are all blessings. These are all gifts that He has given me. These are all things that are little graces throughout my day. I can get so caught up in "life" that I forget to give thanks. To give thanks to a God who saved me. To give thanks for each day. To give thanks for every second of every single day. He has SAVED me, how can I not continually be giving thanks?

All that I am for ALL that He is.

All is Grace,    


"if I had my pleasure of anything, You'd be the One that I'd choose."

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