Saturday 19 March 2011

God has it all in His hands.

“This girl is absolutely crazy. I would never be able to do this for that long. How is she living here?”

That was the thought going through my head when I first came to Nicaragua in the summer of 2009. I was here on a month long mission trip. I was having a conversation with a missionary I had met who was living here. I thought she was insane for having moved to a different country and leaving the States and giving up everything she’d ever known. God brought this memory to mind last night and reminded me of His great power and how He has changed my heart. Literally, if you would have told me two years ago that I would be living in Nicaragua, I probably would have just laughed it off, or secretly thought you were crazy. Not because I didn’t admire missionaries or think that what they do is amazing, but because I thought that I would never have the strength to do it, and because I loved my life in the States. God is so powerful and He has totally changed my heart. I have become that “crazy missionary” because of His great power and love for me.

I am so grateful for a God who is in control. For a God who has all the power.  For the One Who has done so much, is doing so much, and will continue to do so much. For a Loving Father who cares so deeply about each of His children. For a Lord who hears my prayers and always answers them, even if it’s not in the way I wanted, but that He always knows what’s best for me. I am so thankful that when I pray it is ALL in His hands and that I need to worry no longer. That God has it all in hands. That He gives strength to the weary. That He does things through us to show His mighty power and loving hand. That He can make much out of nothing. That He is our constant joy and strength. That He loves us. That He loves us so.

As for things happening around here, I had the opportunity to co-lead a group of 30 kids from the dump and train station to go to camp last weekend, and that was such a blessing that I was so grateful for. Natalia, Julio, and I started out early Friday afternoon on the bus with prayer before we picked most of the kids up. We were all so excited to have the chance to spend quality time with these children. It was so great to be able to spend continuous time with them and love on them for almost three days straight. God graced me with the opportunity and time to have some much needed conversations with some of the girls from the train station, and that was so good. It was a rich blessing to be able to talk to them, and for them be able to open up about things that are hard for them to discuss and talk about when we’re in Granada. We were also eating three meals a day, which is something most of them do not get at home. It was a wonderful weekend full of crafts, games, science, reading, swimming, sports, and other fun activities, and most importantly, learning more about who Jesus is, what He has done for them, how to have a relationship with Him, and what He calls us to in our lives.

We also had a team of eight nursing students here at El Puente, the mission base, last week and they were an incredible group of girls, and so fun to work with. I love seeing how God works with all different kinds of people and groups to bring glory to Him. When they were here, we worked at Home of the Ancients, did VBS at Luz Del Mundo, volunteered at the girls orphanage and special needs school, and did some activities with the kids down at the train station. From now until August, we have about 22 teams coming through El Puente, so prayers for that would be much appreciated.

Something else that I’m involved with is planning for the Vida Joven 5k in May. This is the 3rd annual 5k to raise money for Vida Joven in Granada. You can read more about that here --->

“Work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.” –Romans 12:11-13

Please keep me updated on your lives also:) and if you have any questions about what I’ve talked about in this blog, or other things that I’m involved with here, please please please do not hesitate to ask.

God bless!  You all are in my thoughts and prayers always.

1 comment:

  1. Leigh!! Love hearing the updates. I'm praying for you always. Love you!!
    Cealia <3
