Saturday 17 July 2010

Into Marvelous Light we're running, out of darkness, out of shame :)

I wrote this blog a few weeks ago, but never posted it, sorry. I’ll try to post another blog within a few days of everything that has been going on lately, in addition to this.

Sorry it has been so long since I’ve written. Things have been pretty busy! My Dad came to visit for a week, and that was so great!! It was amazing to have him here and to let him see of things I’m involved with here. The day before he left, a group of high school girls came to stay for two weeks, and that has been really awesome too. They leave tomorrow and I can’t believe their time is already up. To think about that the fact that I’ve been here almost two months is crazy to me, because I feel like I just got here. And knowing that I have to leave in less than a month is incredibly sad, but I know that I will be back again soon J.

When my Dad was here, I got to take him to the dump, Corazon Contento, the Bible Studies and Church at El Puente, Home of the Ancients, and the train station. It was so fun to combine some of both of my two worlds together. We also had the opportunity to go to Masaya and Catarina, two beautiful cities! Catarina was overlooking the laguna, so it was neat to see the laguna from a different perspective.

A medical team comes in tomorrow, so we’ve been preparing for that. I sorted through about a thousand eyeglasses yesterday for a lot of clinics we’re holding next week, so that was awesome to know we’ll have so much to give.

Another thing that I’ve really been learning lately is that guilt is NOT of God. If you have done something in your past and have confessed it, God has forgiven you. If you still feel guilty about it, then this a trick that Satan uses to make us think that we are not capable of receiving God’s love. And it’s true that we are not worthy of God’s love, but the beautiful thing is that He loves anyway. He loves us no matter what we’ve done! There is absolutely nothing that can separate you can from the love of God through Christ Jesus. Our sins are as far as the east is from the west. Does this mean to keep on sinning? Of course not, but if you have something in your past that you can’t let go, pleaseee learn to let it go. It is such a freeing feeling! And then you’ll understand the true beauty of Grace, and how incredible God’s love is for us, no matter what. There is no circumstance that could make God love you any less. I lately feel like I’ve been falling more and more in love with Jesus every day and that is the coolest feeling! His love is amazing and I can’t get over how incredibly much He loves us so!! In Psalm 18 when David is writing, this is after his sin with Bathsheba, and he is still blameless, because when God sees us, He does not see us and our sins, He sees Jesus!

Sorry if some of that was random, but I am praying for you all and hope you are having incredible summers! I will try to blog again in a few days about the last few weeks, because it’s been a great time full of growth and good teams!

Over the mountains and the seas, Your river runs with love for me. I could sing of Your Love FOREVER :)

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