Sunday 23 May 2010

His love is STRONG.

Helloooo to everyone!

To those of you who don't know...I'm in Nicaragua for the summer!! I was here with my cross country team for 8 days, but now I'm interning here for the rest of the summer. It is such a blessing to be back here in the beautiful city of Granada.

I miss you guys so much! But I am having a blast here. I feel like I’m home again and my heart is happy. Being with the kids here makes me feel like I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be and that’s such a cool feeling. God is so good and His providence is so amazing. Did you know that God can do anything? I mean I know we say that all the time, but really, we serve a God of MIRACLES…He is SO big. Sometimes I feel like when we pray we pray to pray but we don’t pray with POWER…God can do anything! Pretty sweet, huh? Anyways, I hope everything at home is going amazing for everyone...please let me know anything I can be praying for!

Here’s a little of what I’ve been doing…

Home of the ancients- (I did this last year as well)- Going to help out the nursing home and clean and then hang out with some of the folks there. They are so sweet and such an encouragement to me.

Train station- This is a place in the barrios where a lot of people live in conditions that are anything but optimum…and you know what? The kids there are happier than most of the kids I know at home. I love being there. We did a VBS program there for some of the kids last week and it was AWESOME. God is definitely at work down there.

El Fortine- This is a new church plant out in some barrios outside of Granada. We do a feeding program there, and then do VBS with the kids and such. It’s awesome to see the happiness that God gives them.

And there’s more, but I’ll write about that later...

But you know what I’m learning? Our technology has destroyed us. LITERALLY. These things that were created to make life “easier” or “less complicated” have completely CONSUMED our lives. We watch television with people instead of just sitting and talking to them. I come here for a mission trip, but the states are just as much of a mission field as this country is. True, there are lot of drugs, alcohol, and other problems here with a lot of the population, but at least those who are Christians seem to truly understand what it means to be a Christian. We get caught up in the lights and the air conditioning and all these things that DON’T MATTER at our church services. Here people clap and sing and dance and they don’t care if it’s off beat or if it’s hot or if there’s no electricity…because they have the JOY that only God can bring. In Psalm 16:11 it talks about how God will FILL us with JOY in His presence…WOW. We look to all these other things for joy, but the only true bringer of joy is God himself. He is all that matters and the only thing that can truly make us happy.

Please come visit soon! If you need some encouragement in your faith come here and you will see the joy that only God can bring…Oh HE IS SO GOOD!

Sorry this was all so jumbled…it’s just really been on my heart lately…God is revealing Himself more and more to me...His love is incredible…I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! And then imagine that God loves you so much more than I could ever love…cause His love IS PERFECTTT!



  1. Berk-Leigh!!! Awesome sister! It's soo amazing you can be there! You'll need to tell me all about Nicaragua may be on my list of 11 countries to go to! :-D

    Pray for my trip please and that I raise all the support I need. Thank you sooo very much!!! I love you sister!! God Bless and take care of yourself!!!

  2. thinking of you berk! thanks for writing, it encouraged me!!! love you girl ;) praying for you...


    Oh my goodness. I love you. Thanks for the update!! Oh how I wish I was back in Nica with you playing with the kids. Girl, God is working through you and it excites me!! Ah, He is SO GOOD! I am praying for you! Keep lovin in Jesus' Name!
